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Review: Heartless by Jade West!


In a single moment, she becomes my obsession...

Elaine Constantine will be mine.

And her destruction is only my beginning.

I’ve known all my life that the Constantines deserved to be wiped from the face of the earth, only a smoking crater left where their mansion once stood. But that’s a bedrock knowledge, something eternal that lives in my blood. Tonight, I infiltrate their lives, twine myself into their deceitful inner workings so I can take them apart piece by piece.

That’s my plan until I see her, the woman in gold with the sinful curves and the blonde curls. My will to dominate her runs as deep as the hate I have for her last name.

No matter how beautifully she bends beneath my hands, I'll leave her shattered, a broken toy for her cruel family.



We begin the book with Lucian Morelli at a masquerade party he doesn’t belong. He is pretending to be someone else, and being at this particular party is completely forbidden for him, but that’s something you find out about Lucian right off the bat: he gives very little fucks. The party is being thrown by the Constantine’s who are the sworn enemies of the Morelli’s, when someone in a gown of shimmering gold catches his eye. Elaine Constantine. She’s the fuck up daughter of the matriarch of the Constantine family, and despite being his sworn enemy, Lucian is unable to look away from her. The more Lucian watches her he realizes she’s a sad, broken girl, and for her a predator like him, she’s the perfect victim. Like a shark scenting blood, he seeks her out and inevitably binds both their fates together.

I love Jade West’s writing! I know I am going to get to read a great story, with lots of hot sex, and just might get my heart ripped out by the end. Lucian reminded me of Brandon from Sell My Soul, except Lucian is darker, and just an outright asshole. He is unfeeling, and even towards the end, he was a bastard of epic proportions. Elaine, my sweet Elaine. I felt HORRIBLE for her, especially in the parts where she felt what she felt for Lucian. Her internal conflict due to her family, her life, and her will to live being chipped away, it broke my heart. She supposedly had “everything” but in reality, she had nothing. She was a puppet that had been controlled all her life, and it all comes crashing down at the end for her.

Jade West has woven a complicated web for these characters, and I cannot wait to see how she gets them out of the mess they are in in the next books. 5 stars!!!

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