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Review: My Darling Arrow by Saffron A. Kent!


Darling Arrow,

I shouldn’t be writing this. 

It’s not as if I’m ever going to send you this letter, and there are a million reasons why.

First of all, I was sent to this reform school as a punishment for a petty, totally inconsequential crime. Not to ogle the principal’s hot son around the campus.

Second of all, you’re a giant jerk. You’re arrogant and moody and so cold. Sometimes I think I shouldn’t even like you.

But strangely your coldness sets me on fire. 

The way your athletic body moves on the soccer field, and the way your powerful thighs sprawl across that motorcycle of yours, make me go inappropriately breathless. 

But that’s not the worst part. 

The worst part is that you, Arrow Carlisle, are not only the principal’s hot son. 

You also happen to be the love of my sister’s life. 

And I really shouldn’t be thinking about my sister’s boyfriend, or rather fiancé (I overheard a conversation about the ring that I shouldn’t have).

Now if I can only stop writing you these meaningless letters that I’ll never send and you’ll never read…

Never yours,


NOTE: This book is a standalone and DOES NOT contain cheating. 


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Also available in print:

Coming soon to audio!


Saffron A. Kent writes these delicious romances that I am a complete sucker for. I’ve been a fan of hers since Gods and Monsters, and she continues to wow me with her writing.

In My Darling Arrow, we meet an eccentric group of girls, all of whom are in reform school. They are all troublemakers, rule breakers. Our main female character is Salem Salinger, who has been in unrequited love with Arrow Carlisle for most of her life. He is her guardian/principal’s son, he’s a soccer star who is the fantasy for many women, and also happens to be her sister’s boyfriend. Don’t worry, this book does not contain cheating. Arrow has never really noticed Salem, she’s always been in the background, but has always been too inconsequential to spike his interest. However, a chance encounter at a bar Salem shouldn’t be at puts her firmly on his radar.

Salem is flabbergasted to find Arrow there, kissing another girl, when he is supposed to be worlds away firmly in the arms of her sister. Feeling indignation on her sister’s behalf she marches up to the arrogant soccer player and demands to know what the hell he is doing.

The rest is, as they say, history.

Arrow is the reason Salem is at the reform school in the first place. She stole money to run away from home after hearing about his and her sister’s engagement, and after getting caught was put in St. Mary’s School for Troubled Teenagers. She never expected to find him here, within reach, and so obviously, gloriously single. And on top of that, he also happens to her soccer coach.

Reading the push and pull between the two characters was…amaaaazing. These two will make you blush and hide your kindle from prying eyes. Seriously don’t read this in public. It has the trademark Saffron dirty talk and I am all here for it. This book has major angst, and that’s like my most favorite thing ever.

I felt for Salem, I really did. All she wanted to be was loved, but she never was accepted for who she was. Her sister is a piece of work, and her guardian is pretty much nonexistent. When Arrow finally opens his eyes and sees her for the prize she is, he is thoroughly enthralled by her. It was so heartwarming to see. Her little group of rabble-rousing friends are so cute, and they are there for their girl! I cannot wait to read each and everyone’s books, especially Callie’s.

I loved My Darling Arrow. It was just what I wanted from the story, and Saffron did not disappoint.

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